Friday, July 24, 2009

The next tour!

Hi all,

I know, it's been a while. I'm getting ready for an upcoming tour. Don't get too excited; it's only about a week long. But, it's in New England and it starts in my "second home" town of Boston, and ends in my "first home" town of Bangor, ME.

Tommy (of Bike and Build) and I are getting back on the road, and here's a preliminary route of where the road will take us:

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Other fun facts: I was chosen to ride on this summer's 42Ride. At first, it seemed not only like a fun adventure, but also a great way to promote bicycle travel (something I'm getting more and more involved with, with a hope of aligning myself with this type of work long term -- that's another long story). But, once I was chosen, I investigated a bit more and decided this ride was more about promoting its sponsor, 42Below Vodka (now owned by Bacardi), than it was about promoting precious two wheel travel. I told them that wasn't for me. There are things on my to-do list this summer; promoting bikes would have fulfilled some of them, but pushing 42Below schwag on unexpecting imbibers after days of long, hot riding wasn't exactly where I wanted to be this summer.

I will say, though, that if I hadn't been so self-growth focused right now, I probably would have jumped on the band wagon. Two B&B buddies, Brianne and Lauren, were in a better position to drop it all and take off for an adventure. They're both on the southern route and already in TX.

Two last plugs: after B&B, I had the opportunity to write two articles about my experiences. One can be found in the most recent edition of Echoes Magazine (please support! I used to help my grandmother stuff envelopes in a little hut in rural Aroostook County, ME when she worked for them!). The second article will appear in a new humanitarian travel magazine called Worldsurf. I'm really excited about this magazine. It was started by a friend of mine in Cambridge, MA. Again, please support!
